How to increase organic traffic on website

How to increase organic traffic to your website

Any business website cannot survive without organic traffic. It is essential for your website to rank high in search engine rankings and receive a lot more visibility online.

To get more organic traffic, you must continue to do competitor research, optimize your keywords, use content marketing and build links. Here are four ways you can increase organic traffic to your website.

Optimize Meta descriptions and title tags 

The titles and descriptions of your website are a great way to increase organic traffic. Title tags and Meta descriptions are essential for SEO, as they inform search engines about your page and help users decide whether your content is relevant.

Meta descriptions can also be found under the title of your page in search engine results. They can influence click through rates. In general, you want to keep your meta descriptions at 150 characters or fewer so they don't get cut in search results. It's a good idea also to include your keyword in the description. But avoid overusing the keyword or putting it at the top of the tag.

Each page and blog on your website should target a different keyword. This will prevent keyword dumping, which can hurt your rankings. For example, if two pages rank well for a keyword, you will see a lower click-through rate for both.

Create a Sitemap

A sitemap consists of an XML document that lists the pages of your website in relation to one another. It helps search engines index web pages faster.

Before creating a website map, you should consider the content of your site. You will have to decide which pages are important and how they are related to each other. If you have lots of pages, it may be best to separate the sitemap and submit them individually.

Once you have created a sitemap, share it with other members of your team. This will help everyone stay on the same page throughout the entire process. Early collaboration between copywriters, designers and other stakeholders is helpful to ensure that there are no issues with the ideas. This will ensure your site is both SEO-friendly as well as user-friendly.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

In a mobile-dominated world, where desktop users are outnumbered by mobile users, it is essential that your website be optimized for smartphones and tablet devices. This means having a design that is responsive and can adapt to different screen sizes. It also includes a navigation bar that is easy to locate on small screens.

It also means using legible typefaces and arranging the text so that visitors can click on links and easily read your content. Avoid full-screen popups which block the user's viewport or appear immediately following a visit to your site. Google penalizes websites who use intrusive popups, and your search engine rankings may suffer as a result.

AMP pages (AcceleratedMobile Pages) are another way to increase organic search traffic. These are simplified web pages that can be loaded quickly on mobile devices. The AMP code reduces HTML and JavaScript while compressing page data. This allows them to load up to eight-times faster than regular mobile sites. Google favors AMP-pages in search results.

Include Alt Text in Website Images

Alt text, or descriptions of images, should be included on all images on your website. This will help those who are blind. This will boost your organic traffic as well as improve the user's experience.

Alt text should be used to describe the image, and if at all possible, your target keyword. You should avoid keyword stuffing, and describe the image accurately. You may end up with a Google penalization if you don't.

Google Image Search and Image Packs can also return your images in search engine results. This is a great way to increase organic traffic. It's one of the least-used strategies.

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How to increase organic traffic to your website Any business website cannot survive without organic traffic. It is essential for your website to rank high in search engine rankings and receive a lot more visibility online. To get more organic traffic, you must continue to do competitor research, optimize your keywords, use content marketing and…